Shonen Heroes Wiki

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Shonen Heroes Wiki
Shonen Heroes Wiki

Wan is an overarching protagonist of the Avatar franchise.

He was voiced by Steven Yeun as a young man and by Stephen Stanton as an old man.

What Makes Him a Shonen Hero?[]

  • Heroic/Honorable: Wan confronts and eventually seals Vaatu, and devotes his life to maintain peace among Four Nations and the Spirit World.
  • Courageous/Reckless: Wan is not afraid of confronting enemies even the powerful Vaatu.
  • Stubborn: Wan refuses to give up fighting against the unsealed Vaatu despite being beaten by the latter, and willingly allows Raava to possess him despite knowing that he could die because of the possession.
  • Pursues a Big-End Goal: Wan devotes his life to maintain peace among Four Nations and the Spirit World.
  • Hard-Working: Wan has trained himself to be capable of using different bending, and has been keeping peace among Four Nations and the Spirit World.
  • Optimistic: Wan is generally optimistic despite initially living in poverty, and his optimistic attitude allows him to become a capable peacekeeper.
  • Possesses Plot Armor: Wan would die because of being possessed by Raava if he did not prenatally fuse with Raava thanks to the spirit portal during the Harmonic Convergence.
  • Has Mentors: Wan has learned different bending from lion turtles.

External Links[]


            Nickelodeon logoShonen Heroes

Animated Shows

SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang | Katara | Sokka | Toph Beifong | Zuko

The Legend of Korra
Korra | Bolin | Wan | Katara | Zuko | Toph Beifong

Doug Funnie | Arnold Shortman | Timmy Turner | Jimmy Neutron | Danny Phantom | Michelangelo

Video Games

See Also
Avatar Shonen Heroes

            Avatar- The Last Airbender LogoShonen Heroes

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang | Katara | Sokka | Toph Beifong | Zuko

The Legend of Korra
Korra | Bolin | Katara | Zuko | Toph Beifong | Wan

See Also
Nickelodeon Shonen Heroes
