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Shonen Heroes Wiki
Shonen Heroes Wiki

Saitama is the titular main protagonist of One Punch Man.

He is voiced in Japanese by Makoto Furukawa (who also voiced Sherlock Holmes) and and by Max Mittleman in the English dub.

What Makes Him a Shonen Hero?[]

  • Heroic/Honorable: Saitama has saved the world from countless villains throughout the series and, despite his thirst for thrill of a great battle, he prioritizes saving others before his own gain.
  • Courageous/Reckless: Saitama never shows fear when facing an opponent, no matter how much of a threat they pose.
  • Energetic: While he normally presents himself as an apathetic stoic, at his core, Saitama is actually a hot-blooded and thrill-seeking blood knight who wants to seek the excitement of fighting a worthy opponent who matches his strength.
  • Stubborn: Saitama refuses to let anyone toss him around or make him give up.
  • Pursues a Big-End Goal: After becoming tremendously powerful to the point of defeating his enemies with only one punch, Saitama thrives in fighting a worth opponent.
  • Hard-Working: Before the beginning of the series, Saitama trained himself for 3 years to become very powerful.
  • Unintelligent: Saitama is shown to be fairly book-dumb, as shown as he becomes a C-Class Hero as a result of receiving a C on a written test despite his high performance in the fitness test.
  • Possesses Plot Armor: Saitama manages to launches from the moon to Earth despite of a lack of oxygen.
  • Has a Rival: Speed o' Sound Sonic declares himself as Saitama's rival despite the latter not wanting to do with him.
  • Rebellious: Saitama refuses to abide with the social pecking order between the classes of Heroes.
  • Is a Blood Knight: Saitama desires to fight a worthy opponent who can challenge his overwhelming strength.
  • Is a Primary-Color Champion: Saitama wears a yellow jumpsuit with red gloves and boots.
  • Is a Challenge Seeker: Saitama wants to find a strong opponent to match his strength.
  • Is a Underdog: Due to his general attitude and lack of notoriety, Saitama is often considered a fraud by other heroes. Despite this, his power is so immense that even he can even defeat most S-Class heroes with little to no effort.

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