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Shonen Heroes Wiki
Shonen Heroes Wiki

Natsu Dragneel is the main protagonist of Fairy Tail.

He is voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara in the Japanese version of the anime and by Todd Haberkorn (and Luci Christian as a child) in English.

What Makes Him a Shonen Hero?[]

  • Heroic/Honorable: Natsu has saved the world from countless threats, most notably his older brother Zeref and Acnologia.
  • Courageous/Reckless: Natsu has no issue with facing danger and putting his life on the line to protect his friends.
  • Energetic: Natsu is extremely hot-blooded and fairly hyperactive.
  • Stubborn: Natsu is usually quick to take risks despite others warning him not to.
  • Pursues a Big-End Goal: Natsu wants to find Igneel after being abandoned by him and sent to 400 years into the future when he was a little boy.
  • Hard-Working: Whenever he faces a loss, Natsu decides to train harder and smarter to prepare himself for his next battle.
  • Unintelligent: While Natsu is rather perceptive, insightful and has battle-smarts, he is extremely impulsive and is rather ignorant of certain subjects that most Wizards know.
  • Optimistic: Regardless of he has been through, Natsu maintains a positive outlook on life.
  • Idealistic: Natsu believes that the Fairy Tail guild's bonds with each other is what makes them strong enough to take down their enemies.
  • Determined: Natsu usually goes through extra lengths to take down an enemy down to protect his friends and innocent people.
  • Believes in the Power of Friendship: Natsu is extremely protective of his friends and gains his true strength from how much he values them.
  • Possesses Plot Armor: Natsu survives through his share of injuries and had a near-death experience after his first fight with Zeref, only to be nursed to health by Lucy and Happy.
  • Spiky Hair/Unnatural Hairstyle: Natsu has spiky pink hair.
  • Unnatural Hair Color: Natsu's hair is pink.
  • Short-Tempered: Natsu gets angry rather frequently and is quick to pick fights with others.
  • Has Rivals/Mentors: Natsu has Gray Fullbuster, an ice wizard, and Gajeel Redfoxx, an Iron Dragon Slayer, as his rivals and was taught Fire Dragon Slayer Magic by his foster father Igneel.
  • Big Eater/Drinker: Natsu is shown to be eating plenty of food all at once on many occasions.
  • Has an Idol: Natsu looks up to Gildarts and admires him as a strong wizard.
  • Mischievous: Natsu enjoys teasing his friends and has taken great pleasure with pulling pranks on them, especially Gray and Gajeel, both of whom he has rivalries with. Also, he liked tickling Lucy's feet with his cat's tail.
  • Rebellious: Natsu is rarely concerned with conforming to social norms, let alone maintaining order. Instead, he follows his own moral code.
  • Tragic Past: When Natsu was a little boy, he and his parents were killed by dragons, with his older brother Zeref being the only survivor. When Zeref revived Natsu as a demon called Etherious, the former leaves the latter under the Fire Dragon King Igneel. Sometime later, Igneel transported Natsu 400 years into the future, leaving Natsu without his father figure.
  • Is a Blood Knight: Natsu openly admits that he enjoys fighting as a competition.
  • Is a Primary-Color Champion: Natsu's overall motif is red. Natsu also has a red Fairy Tail emblem on his right shoulder and yellow accents in his black clothing.
  • Is a Delinquent: While the majority of the Fairy Tail guild is filled with troublemakers, Natsu is the biggest troublemaker of them all, between his tendency to pick fights and his habit of causing collateral damage.
  • Is a True Hero: Natsu gives his all to not only protect his friends, but innocent people as well.
  • Calls Out Attacks: As a wizard, Natsu frequently calls out his attacks.
  • Is a Mascot with Attitude: Natsu is known for his fiery attitude, love for fighting and food and has moments of mischief.
  • Is a Shotoclone: Natsu shoots fire-based attacks and is a proficient fighter.

External Links[]
