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Shonen Heroes Wiki
Shonen Heroes Wiki

~ Jimmy's catchphrase.

Jimmy Neutron is the titular main protagonist of the 2001 film Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius and the spin-off TV series The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. He is voiced by Debi Derryberry.

What Makes Him a Shonen Hero?[]

  • Heroic/Honorable: Jimmy has saved the world multiple times and, at times, the entire universe. He even saved another universe alongside Timmy Turner.
  • Courageous/Reckless: Jimmy is hardly ever afraid to face a battle to the point of being willing to risk his life to save the world.
  • Energetic: Jimmy can be very excitable at times, especially when it comes to his inventions.
  • Stubborn: Jimmy rarely listens to his parents and friends when it comes to his plans and goes for it anyway despite the potential consequences.
  • Pursues a Big-End Goal: Jimmy wants to use his inventions to defend the innocent from evil.
  • Hard-Working: Being an inventor, Jimmy puts in his time and effort to his creations, even if they backfire for him.
  • Optimistic: Though he can feel down at times, Jimmy will find the brighter side of the situations he gets into.
  • Determined: Jimmy refuses to back down from a battle or quest, no matter how much is stacked against him.
  • Confident/Cocky: Jimmy has high confidence in his intelligence and inventions, that of which he shows arrogance with this fact and can be egotistical at times.
  • Unpredictable: Jimmy has a tendency to come up with crazy ideas and nobody can see what he has in mind.
  • Resilient: Even when his experiments backfire and gets mocked for it, he doesn't let this define who he is.
  • Believes in the Power of Friendship: Jimmy values his friends and would do anything to protect them.
  • Oblivious to Love: Jimmy was clueless of Cindy's crush on him due to her consistently bullying him.
  • Possesses Plot Armor: Jimmy manages to escape from places before they explode.
  • Unnatural Hairstyle: Jimmy's hair resembles a chocolate drop, which makes him stand out among the other characters.
  • Short-Tempered: Jimmy can be quick to lose his patience at times, especially when it comes to Cindy bullying him.
  • Has a Rival: Jimmy mainly rivals with Cindy and to a more major extent, with Eustace Strytch.
  • Has an Idol: Jimmy idolizes Jet Fusion, the world's greatest secret agent.
  • Mischievous: Jimmy occasionally uses his inventions to pull pranks.
  • Rebellious: Being a kid, Jimmy sometimes does what he wants to do regardless of what his parents tell him otherwise.
  • Is a Primary-Color Champion: Jimmy wears a red T-shirt with a yellow logo on it, and blue shorts/jeans.
  • Is a Challenge Seeker: Jimmy wants to prove himself as a great scientist by inventing great devices.
  • Is an Underdog: Jimmy is ostracized by his peers for his intelligence, but he proves himself to be a great leader when they need him.
  • Is a True Hero: Despite his occasional selfishness, Jimmy would sacrifice his desires to protect his family, friends and innocent people.
  • Is a Mascot with Attitude: Jimmy's genius-level intellect, quirky inventions, and fearless curiosity are matched by his confident and adventurous spirit, combined with a bit of nerdy charm.
  • Street-Smart: Jimmy adapts quickly to unexpected challenges, using his scientific knowledge and creativity to come up with solutions on the fly.
  • Is a Kid Hero: Jimmy is 11 years old.

External Links[]


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Animated Shows

SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang | Katara | Sokka | Toph Beifong | Zuko

The Legend of Korra
Korra | Bolin | Wan | Katara | Zuko | Toph Beifong

Doug Funnie | Arnold Shortman | Timmy Turner | Jimmy Neutron | Danny Phantom | Michelangelo

Video Games

See Also
Avatar Shonen Heroes
