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Shonen Heroes Wiki

Avatar Aang is the titular main protagonist of the Nickelodeon cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender and the posthumous overarching protagonist of the series sequel, The Legend of Korra.

He is voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen during Avatar: The Last Airbender and D.B. Sweeney during The Legend of Korra.

What Makes Him a Shonen Hero?[]

  • Heroic/Honorable: As the Avatar, Aang saves countless lives from the tyrannical Fire Lord Ozai and has a sacred honor code to never kill.
  • Courageous/Reckless: Aang is willing to put his life on the line to save others without expecting anything in return.
  • Energetic: Aang is rather excitable and fairly hyperactive, as well as loving to have fun and hanging out with his friends.
  • Stubborn: Aang refuses to kill Ozai despite being told by his friends and previous lives to do so.
  • Pursues a Big-End Goal: After years of being the only airbender after the Air Normads were murdered by the Fire Nation, Aang wants to restore the Air Nation.
  • Hard-Working: Though he is naturally talented with bending Air, Water and Fire, he struggled with Earthbending since it is not aligned with his personality. However, he learned to master Earthbending with lots of effort.
  • Unintelligent: Though he is wise beyond his years, Aang can be naive and goofy at times.
  • Optimistic: Despite his hardships, Aang refuses to think negatively and wants to see the good in any situation.
  • Idealistic: Aang stays to his morals whenever involving the subject of killing, even if the victim in question has done everything they could to deserve it.
  • Determined: Though initially reluctant about his duties as the Avatar, Aang becomes more determined to save others when they are in danger.
  • Confident: While initially feeling inadequate as a result of his mistake of running away from his duties as the Avatar leading to the extinction of the Air Nomads as well as the birth of the Hundred Year War, Aang eventually becomes much more assertive to the point of defeating Ozai and ending the war.
  • Self-Sacrificing: Aang cares about his loved ones so much that he never hesitates to put his his life at risk to face threats he knows he can't defeat by himself.
  • Resilient: While he has suffered from regret of leaving the Air Nomads before the Fire Nation attacked them, Aang manages to come back to his senses when he realizes that his friends are his new family.
  • Believes in the Power of Friendship: Aang gains his strength from how much he cares for his friends and is willing to befriend Zuko despite the latter chasing after him for the majority of the series and betrayed the heroes at one point.
  • Oblivious to Love: In one episode, Aang was unaware of Ming's crush on him. He also seems to be unaware of On Ji's crush on him as well.
  • Has an Idol: Aang looked up to his mentor Gyatsu and views him as a father figure.
  • Possesses Plot Armor: Aang nearly died after being stroke by Azula's Lightningbending ability, only to be nursed to health by Katara via sacred water.
  • Has Rivals/Mentors: Aang rivaled with Zuko and is mentored by Gyotso, Katara, Toph and Zuko with Airbending, Waterbending, Earthbending and Firebending respectively.
  • Mischievous: Aang has his moments of pulling harmless tricks on others or doing stunts that he shouldn't do.
  • Rebellious: Despite his duty as the Avatar, Aang often shirks traditional expectations, favoring fun and adventure. He's also known to defy authority figures, like when he disobeyed the Fire Nation's rules to help oppressed people.
  • Tragic Past: While Aang had a happy childhood with the Air Nomads, he made the fatal mistake of freaking out and running away from his responsibilities when he was discovered as the Avatar, ending up being frozen in ice for a century, and finally paying dearly for it when he discovers the corpse of his beloved mentor.
  • Forgiving: Aang easily forgives people, regardless of how much they hurt him.
  • Is a Primary-Color Champion: Aang has a blue arrow tattoo, and has orange and yellow clothing.
  • Is a Neglectful Parent: As revealed in The Legend of Korra, Aang barely had the space to spend quality time with his three children due to the pressure of his duties as the Avatar, and when he did, he only gave his attention to his youngest son Tenzin and taught him the ways of the Air Nation while ignoring his two older kids Bumi and Kya, resulting in the latter two to resent Tenzin for being favored by their father for his airbending abilities as well Tenzin feeling pressured to live up to his legacy.
  • Is a True Hero: Aang always strives to do what's right, sees all life as sacred, and never tries to hurt or kill anyone, even those who deserve punishment.
  • Is a Mascot with Attitude: Aang has a rebellious, free-spirited vibe and a knack for pushing boundaries. But he’s also incredibly wise, often showing restraint and deep understanding. His playful, energetic nature and determination to do what’s right add to that spirited attitude, even if he balances it with a more thoughtful side.
  • Is a Kid Hero: At the beginning of the series, Aang was 12 years old when he became frozen under the iceberg for 100 years old and hasn't physically aged during the time.

External Links[]


            Nickelodeon logoShonen Heroes

Animated Shows

SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang | Katara | Sokka | Toph Beifong | Zuko

The Legend of Korra
Korra | Bolin | Wan | Katara | Zuko | Toph Beifong

Doug Funnie | Arnold Shortman | Timmy Turner | Jimmy Neutron | Danny Phantom | Michelangelo

Video Games

See Also
Avatar Shonen Heroes

            Avatar- The Last Airbender LogoShonen Heroes

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang | Katara | Sokka | Toph Beifong | Zuko

The Legend of Korra
Korra | Bolin | Katara | Zuko | Toph Beifong | Wan

See Also
Nickelodeon Shonen Heroes
